Bruno, el gato 'agresivo': así pasó de ser un gatito reactivo y peligroso a ser un peluche mimoso en menos de un mes

La historia de este gato es nuestro verdadero cuento de hadas

Gatos Refugio Historia Bonita
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En esta revista somos muy sensibles a las historias de animalitos que empiezan mal y terminan con "fuimos felices y comimos perdices. Estos son nuestros verdaderos cuentos de hadas y hoy Bruno es el protagonista. Un gatito súper reactivo y agresivo al que esta chica dio una oportunidad y así consiguió salvarle.


Bruno really showed that door who’s boss 😅 He actually managed to knick me & draw a bit of blood in this clip, but it wasn’t anything too serious! Although he was labeled as aggressive in the shelter, Bruno was so sweet with me the moment we met and in the 20 minute car ride home. So I was pretty shocked at the major shift in behavior. When we got home, I think he was triggered by my dogs barking and the smell of new cats. He was immediately very angry and on defense. He was a totally different cat. Bruno is still very angry with me. I think it’s going to take some time for him to fully settle in and feel safe. But I’m confident that with patience, he’ll come around. In the meantime, he has an entire bedroom to himself, filled with toys, catnip, yummy food, and a window with a bird feeder 😻

♬ original sound - Grace

Al principio, su nueva dueña se llevó muchos bufidos, arañazos y algún que otro mordisco. Sinceramente, las imágenes son aterradoras. Pero ella (ángel caído del cielo) no se dio por vencida. Primero descubrió a un Bruno más relajado si estaba con juguetes, pero sin humanos cerca. 


When you’re angry at human, but love catnip banana more 🍌🤣 Once Bruno finally made it out of his carrier, he quickly discovered a bag of catnip toys. I eventually pulled a few out for him, and this is what he did 😆 Bruno is still pretty upset and untrusting of me… as you can see by the hisses & growls sprinkled in between lol. But when I give him space, he actually seems very relaxed and happy to be in a safe and cozy room 🥰

♬ Funny - Gold-Tiger

La mamá de Bruno continuó ganándose su confianza a base de cariño, comida y acercamientos paulatinos. Al principio dejó que fuera él el que se acercara, respetando sus espacios personales y moviéndose muy lentamente para no asustarle y evitar ataques. Aun así, hay momentos de confusión en los que Bruno pasa de ser mimoso a ser agresivo


Another day, another attack by Mr. Bruno 😔 It started off so well as you can see! I was so shocked when he immediately came up to me and let me pet him. He was purring sooo loudly, and seemed to be loving every second of it. He eventually started rubbing into me for more, and he was even letting me pet him without him initiating them 🥹 But then you see him randomly locks eyes with my arm and his pupils dilate. I’m not entirely sure what triggered him, because I was petting him in the exact same way previously - without him initiating and from the same angle… This time, Bruno bit me in two spots (one on the other side of my arm). Even after cleaning and disinfecting it at home, it got infected within a few hours. I eventually went into the ER to get antibiotics, because cat bite infections can get scary very fast. A couple days later, my arm is still sore and swollen, but it’s getting better and I’ll be just fine. Unfortunately, I think I’m going to have to start wearing protective gloves while we get through this learning curve. I don’t typically like wearing gloves, because I find that cats are afraid of them and get triggered even more… but they do eventually get used to it. I really don’t want to go to the ER again and deal with another round of antibiotics lol I’ve reached out to a cat behaviorist and an animal communicator to get all the help I can get with this guy. I’m hoping that they can shed some insight onto what could be going on and how I can better help him with this adjustment period. Additionally, I’m getting a second opinion on Bruno and his bloodwork. When looking through his lab results, I found a couple questionable markers. Given his unknown history and current behavior, I want to be as thorough as possible. I’m also looking into doing further testing, like X-Rays to make sure we are covering all our bases.

♬ Beautiful Things (Piano Instrumental) - Benson Boone

Hasta que la magia sucedió. Llega el primer rato de juegos juntos, donde podemos ver como el gatito no para de ronronear de felicidad. También comienza a aprender a pedir caricias sin morder para llamar la atención, usando sus patitas o acercando la cara para frotarla con la mano. 


Big milestone alert! 🔔 This rollercoaster of a day ended in our very first time playing together 🥹🥰

♬ These Memories - Hollow Coves

Discovering Bruno’s newfound love for kitty gogurts 🐱💕 After consulting with a cat behaviorist regarding Bruno frequently attacking my legs, she recommended that we begin clicker training! Step one was finding a treat that would act as a reward. I decided to give Churu another shot, and to my surprise, Bruno LOVED them! The last few weeks, I just assumed he didn’t like them, because he turned his nose to them and attacked them every single time I tried! Turns out poor boy was just really scared and stressed out. Now that Bruno and I have spent a lot of time building trust, he finally feels safe and can’t get enough of the yummy treats 🥰

♬ A Little Mischief - Mark Ross

En 21 días, Bruno se ha transformado en un gato que ronronea, que busca mimos y que hasta se tumba en el pecho de su dueña. No importa qué historias te cuenten hoy, esto es lo mejor que verás sin duda alguna.

Fotos | @kittyboyandfriends.

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