¿Sabes decir si es hombre o mujer? Las fotos de esta modelo rompen los estereotipos de género, otra vez

¿Sabes decir si es hombre o mujer? Las fotos de esta modelo rompen los estereotipos de género, otra vez
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Ya hablamos hace unos años de Rain Dove, la modelo andrógina a la que todo el mundo le dice que no parece una mujer. Sus facciones masculinas y marcadas confunden a muchos, lo que ella ha utilizado en su favor trabajando para firmas masculinas y femeninas. Saltó al estrellato con esa campaña inolvidable de Navidad de Victoria's Secret y ahora vuelve para romper algunos de los estereotipos de género más manidos. ¿Hombre o mujer?

Homeless. When "appearing female" or even "trans" people often ask me for sexual work. When "appearing male" people will just give me money or offer me cheap paying handyman work if they trust me or are brave. Two VERY different offerings for someone with the same plight. I'm excited to be working with @thenylonproject1 for their #itcouldbeyou project. It's a runway show dedicated to raising awareness about homelessness. Something I've spent a fair share of time as both in lonely California and wintry NYC from 2013-2015. It felt isolating. Hungry. And seemingly hopeless. Check them out- they are trying to feed 1500 people by the end of the month! #gendercapitalism #lovewins #changemustbwmorethanchange #genderreveal #lgbt #qpia #h #moneyshot #willworkforfood

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Male, female, anything in between- if you're a human then reading or hearing news of the #HB2 law should concern you. That's why tomorrow APRIL 17th I'm at Moore Square in Raleigh, NC organizing a super special demonstration to fight this oppressive law. If you are from NC and want to join then DM me or click the link in the bio. If you just want to see the change happen then also click the link in bio! There will be a shocking and emotional but fun LIVESTREAM link from 3-5pm EST of what we are doing. Please show up one way or another. This is what we are here to do- love the life we live. These laws are dropping not just protections for #LGBT individuals- but also minimum wage requirements. Which means no matter your sex, sexuality, or race avenues are being opened to exploit you to work harder for less setting you up to not be able to retire and to live a minimum wage lifestyle. We the people deserve fair wages and treatment! #forfuturebabiessonopressure #lgbt #hetero #lesbian #gay #transgender #cis #activism #frolicfrolicfrolic � @sierrajiminez my ���

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Este trabajo es mucho más personal e intimo. Rain Dove reconoce que no siempre se vio a sí misma como una persona andrógina. "Me veía como una mujer fea. No he tenido nunca malos sentimientos por eso, pero sentía que era esa chica. Pero trabajé una temporada de bombero y ahí fue donde me sentí más empoderadada en mi ambigüedad y sexualidad, más allá de los géneros establecidos".

A la modelo le gusta utilizar su versátil aspecto para romper las normas establecidas. Ahora se considera una activista de la unicidad, de "la ruptura de los géneros que nos incluyen a todos en una categoría determinada" y aboga por una neutralidad más abierta, ambigua y permisiva. "Todos luchamos por ser únicos. El género no existe, es una construcción social en la que no tienes por qué encajar".

"MENS" vs "WOMENS" Running #Olympic Attire. �LAST IMAGE IN SERIES�� While the "women" typically wear "more revealing" garments when it comes to track- I actually felt that their outfit was far more advantageous than the "mens" when it comes to moving. I asked why men don't compete shirtless or with shorter undergarments that hugged their curves like the "women" shorts do. I was told that many times "men" are required to wear a shirt to be able to better identify them. And that the shorts were a matter of comfort because many "male" athletes are anxious about their genitals potentially popping out. I found this somewhat humorous as many people have told me that they fear the same thing about some of the "WOMENS" outfits. Also interestingly many "women" runners often have a full face of makeup while running, and this year some had neat gold tattoos. The reason being that they knew cameras and sponsors were watching them up close on TV. Men didn't even have foundation on- and didn't worry about the same type of thing. The The real issue that "women" have in this sport, since it IS so revealing- is that people often doubt a talented runners true "sex" if that person has "too much muscle tone", "too much body hair", or are "too fast". In fact, several "women" runners with too high of "testosterone" have been forced in their countries to do hormone therapy and even get partial clitoral removal because their hormones are seen as not feminine and too advantageous. This is my final 5/5 photos of the Olympic athletic attire comparisons between "men" and "women". For the other 4 view the past four posts on this profile. Practical? Designed for the sport and body? Or just sexploitation? What I found out surprised me. And maybe it will you too. Not every revealing outfit is sexist. And yet sexism via design has not fully left sports. Every day through honesty and open communication we get closer to a work that sees simply sport. Not sex. � @markwijs #meepmeep #TRACKtheprogress #testoroneisntjustforpenises #mengetoppressedtoo #lovewins #lgbt #qpia #genderfluid #genderreveal #tomboy #himonidothisnow

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"No apologies" my response to #potus #donaldtrump memo for "Women to dress like Women" in the White House. I'm boycotting #NYFW this season to show that runways and billboards should not dictate the way we see what is "acceptable". No one- not an ad agency, a celebrity, or even the president should be the one we look to for how we should be our best self. You know YOU. Don't dress as a "gender" or "sex"- dress as the most effective and comfortable version of yourself because when you are the best you you are able to give your best to the world so we can give our best too. Watch the full statement via the link in my bio. This was shot in collaboration with fair trade, equal opportunity, conscientious brand @tomboyx . And as always please share if this message might help someone you know! #lovewins #tomboy #genderfluid #genderdoesntexist #gendercapitalist #gobeyondthestreets #lgbt #qpia #h #clothingisjustfabricitsnotaprison

Una publicación compartida de Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) el

Y por eso ha realizado numerosas fotos en las que se ve a sí misma en determinados contextos, tanto como hombre como como mujer. Y con ello busca demostrar que "son pequeños detalles como la camisa abierta o unos zapatos masculinos, los que cambian nuestras perspectivas de género. No es la persona en sí, si no los complementos que la rodean y las asociaciones que tenemos en nuestra mente."

"MEN" vs "WOMEN" TENNIS #Olympic Attire. A lot of times you will see "women" wearing skirts. Unless at a private club tournament there are actually no official rules forcing "women" to wear only skirts on the court despite popular belief. Many "women" players wear skirts due to "comfort, agility, and respect of tradition". "Men" typically wear loose fitted shorts and a tshirt- also not mandatory. However in "WOMENS" tennis statistically their appearance and fashion choices will be commented on 60-65 times more often then "men". This prompts many sponsors to prefer to partner with or create endorsement deals with "women" players who fall within traditional and publicly approved standards. Which in turn is extra encouragement for "women" players to shy away from shorts and tshirts. Although there are some champs who wear what feels right for the day they are competing- and their so talented they get sponsors despite fashion critique. �������������� This is photo 4/5 featuring Olympic sports attire compared between the sexes. If people are playing the same sports, then why are outfits often SO different? Is it practicality? Specific and intentional sports design? Or just Sexploitation? We are taking a look at five sports and attempting to open a dialogue to figure it out. Because we are the better NOW. @markwijs �� #goldmedaldigger #tennisthemenace #tennis #tennisskirt #lgbt #qpia #gender #genderequality #lovewins #wimbledon #letstalkaboutsexbabyANDhowitstreateddifferently

Una publicación compartida de Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) el

MENS vs WOMENS Olympic #GYMNASTICS ATTIRE. Granted we are short about 5000 Swarovski crystals on the "WOMENS" outfit and I forgot to SMILE- so so important. �� fabric creep will happen unless you wear protection- otherwise pretty breezy. � Makeup and legs bare to the crotch. The "MENS" outfit for most events comfortably has semi loose long pants and a fitted muscle shirt. The pants weren't as easy as bare legs to flip in though- slight camel toe aside. One claimed reason that "MENS" and "WOMENS" outfits are so different is because they perform different types of gymnastics- and the current designs are best for the types of gymnastics they do. Another claimed reason is that "men" WOULD wear less to be more mobile but apparently we the world aren't ready for THAT kind of curve hugging action. I'd be into watching it though- just sayin. It's hard to pinpoint the exact reason- but several athletic experts have said that part of especially "WOMENS" gymnastics is pageantry- and outfits may not always be optimally designed for sport comfort in order to create things the judges will enjoy. I look at both outfits and wonder.... are we hindering people's full physical potential by not dressing them to achieve that? Or is this the highest standard? ����������������� Photo 3/5 addressing the #Olympic athletic outfits "MENS" vs "WOMENS". Practical? Sexist? Just good marketing? Preferred choice? The answers may surprise you! Stay tuned for the final two and feel free to share your voice below. This is meant to create a dialogue so we can improve upon the incredible progress we have already made in the world. � @markwijs #allflippedout #lovewins #buttbutt #sports #gender #generreveal #genderfluid #lgbt #qpia #hetero #ladies #gentleman #danggenitalsarecomplicatingeverything

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MEN vs WOMEN #Olympic Swimming- one of the few sports where "men" bare more skin then "women". Because of Instagram guidelines And cultural titty shaming I had to stand with the towel over my chest for the men's outfit. ����������������� Photo 2/5 in this series addressing how men and women are treated differently via what they wear for the same sports. Some are due to practicality and design. Some are plain Sexploitation. Every sport is different and some things may surprise you. In this instance- "men" and "women" both used to wear full body suits equally. But then the body suits were banned as it was determined that some suits were so well designed that they gave too much of an advantage to the male swimmer. So now men wear speedos and jammers. Women wear full body not because of shame but because it's designed for their bodies. READY for the NEXT sport side by side comparison? It will be up shortly! Your support keeps me going! (Also note- speedos are most commonly worn in competitive diving now not swimming- as jammers are preferred) #wetandwild #justkeepswimming #genderreveal #tomboy #tomgirl #tomthing #swimming #lgbt #qpia #hetero #ittybittytittycommittee �@markwijs

Una publicación compartida de Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) el

WOMENS vs MENS Olympic Beach Volleyball. SAME SPORT. DIFFERENT "SEX" STANDARDS -------------------------------------------------- This is one of 5 images I'll be releasing over the weekend as the Olympics end. Because the aftermath will not just be an empty stadium, medal winners/losers, and endorsement deals gained. It will also be the statement that the Olympics made about the GLOBALLY accepted standards and values set for men and women through fashion and sport. Practical? Best designed for the sex? Or just sexploitation? Some things may surprise you! For instance as of 2012 beach volleyball "women" were allowed permission to wear many other types of attire aside from bikinis as long as it's approved. However this remains the most common attire type and most times the decision on what to wear is made by the team owner, committee, or sponsor with no input from the player. Some players say that they prefer this because bikinis do better in the sand. Some say they won't get endorsements and sponsorships otherwise. ������������������ Kids will be going back to school knowing that these are the top athletes in the world. Knowing that this is how you have to dress to be a professional. And statistically 6/10 "women" will stop playing athletics they love in college and highschool because of "body image" or exposure. This Olympic year had more "women" playing than ever before... But as you watch my series post you will see. We still have a bit of a way to go before all bodies are treated equally. � @markwijs #NOlympics #lovewins #genderfluid #genderreveal #lgbt #qpia #tomboy #beachvolleyball #tomgirl #inmyskiniwin #frolicfrolicfrolic

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Fotos | @raindovemodel.

En Trendencias | Ruby Rose, la gender fluid que enamoró a Catherine McNeil y a media industria de la moda.

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