Los consejos fitness de Halle Berry para mantener ese tipazo a los 51 años

Los consejos fitness de Halle Berry para mantener ese tipazo a los 51 años
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Halle Berry cuenta con una genética muy agradecida que le permite lucir así de estupenda a sus 51 años de edad, aunque por supuesto, se necesita algo más que un poderoso ADN para mantener una silueta tonificada, esbelta y curvilínea que es admirada por mujeres de todas las edades. Su cuenta de Instagram es toda una inspiración fitness: entrenamientos con pesas rusa, yoga, boxeo, meditación,... Así se mantiene Hale Berry en forma de manera saludable.

Estos son los consejos que comparte con sus seguidores con el hashtag #FitnessFriday:

Entrena con kettlebell

El entrenamiento con pesas rusas es divertido, versátil, fácil, muy completo y eficaz.

Boom! 💥 #FitnessFriday yawl. Today it’s all about the kettlebell. It’s probably one of the most versatile pieces of equipment and it has become a staple in the fitness world. You can get a total body workout if your let your imagination go. You can swing it, pull it, push it, throw it, curl it, squat with it, walk and run with it and stretch with it....you get the picture! You know the great part about the #kettlebell workout? You don’t actually need a kettlebell to do it. You can grab a hefty-sized water bottle and get the same workout. Per usual, we share a few exercises to get you started, but we also challenge you to create your own kettlebell/water bottle flow and share it with the tag #FitnessFridayHB. You can also find my #keto lunch for the day on my Stories and Fitness Highlight on my profile. Enjoy 💪🏽❤️ @koral

Una publicación compartida de Halle Berry (@halleberry) el

Medita de diez a treinta minutos todos los días

Halle Berry medita a diario, concentrándose en la respiración y dice que le ha cambiado la vida.

Yay it’s #FitnessFriday! So many of you have asked about my meditation routine. A few months ago I had the good fortune of traveling to India and it was a life changing experience. While there, I met a yogi master who led me in meditation for 2.5 hours!! That was a first for me. The experience not only profoundly changed me, but it inspired me to never go a day without some sort of meditation. So, today I share with you my favorite spot to meditate at home. In the far back of my garden, I have a spot that’s super secluded with a fountain. I feel safe there, and the sound of running water relaxes me. I make sure I have on comfortable clothes and I decide for how long I’m going to meditate. I set my alarm so that I’m sure to reach my goal. I usually do some stretching first so that my body feels loose and stress-free. I then find a comfortable position that I can stay in for at least 30 minutes. I close my eyes and begin. I start by focusing only on my breathing. I try to clear my mind of everything. This is not easy to do, so don’t feel bad if you struggle for a while. Stick with it, I promise it does get easier. When thoughts creep in my mind, I gently push them away and get back to focusing on my breathing. Once I’m able to clear my mind, I start to repeat whatever mantra I have for day or I simply listen to the thoughts that come to me. Many yogi’s believe this is the time to hear the messages from your higher self, your higher power, the universe, Mother Earth or God! I let them wash over me, absorbing all that comes up. When I’m done, I have ultimate clarity and I feel at peace. Today I hope you can find at least 10 minutes to meditate. Trust me, it will start to transform your thinking, which will change your life. The time is not the key, the intention is. I encourage you to share a photo of you in your favorite mediation spot and tag #FitnessFridayHB! On my IG Stories I’m sharing my #Keto meal for the day and an exercise that complements a good meditation session. It’s called a Hindu push-up. It strengthens your upper body, decompresses your lower spine and provides a great stretch which is perfect before or after #meditation. Namaste 🙏🏽❤️

Una publicación compartida de Halle Berry (@halleberry) el

Utiliza el yoga para estirarte

El yoga es una práctica deportiva y de bienestar que engancha, y Halle Berry destaca la importancia de estirar los músculos antes y después de entrenar.

This #FitnessFriday is dedicated to the importance of stretching! After I work out, it’s important for me to stretch and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting and punching. For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still, stretching and breathing. Including stretching in my fitness program helps my muscles stay long, limber, improves my mobility and range of motion and, most importantly, helps me avoid injuries. This is one of my favorite #yoga poses, the shoulder stand, that stretches my lower spine and legs. I feel 2 inches taller after this stretch! Some people use yoga poses to manage stress, increase circulation, for medication, recovery, better sleep, and mobility just to name a few. Check out my Fitness IG Story to see a stretch I like for hip mobility that lengthens my sides and for today's #keto meal. Today I challenge you to share your best yoga pose. If you don't have one, I encourage you to search for one, post about it, tag #FitnessFridayHB and tell me how it makes you feel. ❤️🙏🏽

Una publicación compartida de Halle Berry (@halleberry) el

Así mantiene los glúteos y el core en forma

Dos de las zonas más problemáticas, el trasero y la tripa se pueden mantener en forma con ejercicios específicos para la zona y con el propio peso de nuestro cuerpo. En la segunda y tercera foto podemos ver cómo lo hace Hale Berry con su entrenador personal en su propia casa, sin necesidad de mucho equipamiento.

Yooooooo this #FitnessFriday is about overcoming discomfort and fatigue! Initially when adapting to a fitness lifestyle, fear of discomfort usually sets in. The truth is, when you get fit, exercise is actually something you look forward to. It’s a stress reliever (God knows I’ve needed that over the years), makes you feel relaxed, optimistic and those endorphins are just heavenly! After I workout, I feel like I can conquer the world. Ok, now real talk, I do sometimes get fatigued, tired and don’t always look forward to my workouts but that is when I force myself to push harder and work through it. When I get to the other side, it’s always well worth my effort. Why? Because I’m worth it and so are YOU! Today’s exercise is about lifting and firming our butts! Trust me the battle is real for us to keep it tight and right, especially if you have an average butt like me. 😄 So today I’m sharing a simple exercise that I love! We call it a skyscraper. It’s easy to do at home all you need is a ball, a stack of towels or anything that you can lift your foot on. I’m also sharing another exercise for your core. My core is the only muscle group I work on everyday. A strong core is an essential part of performing every other workout I do. We call this exercise a sit through. All you need for that is a towel! Swipe left to view the exercises. Enjoy ❤️💪🏽 #FitnessFridayHB

Una publicación compartida de Halle Berry (@halleberry) el

No te saltes el entrenamiento ni cuando estés de vacaciones

Hasta estando en Bora Bora, Hale Berry entrena a diario ¿lo dudabas?. Conseguir un cuerpo 10 es más una cuestión de constancia que de entrenar muy duro un par de días y luego abandonarlo. Correr por la playa y unos minutos de rutina HIIT son suficientes para no parar ningún día. La actriz además confía en una dieta keto para mantenerse en su peso.

It’s #FitnessFriday from Bora Bora! I often find it’s hard to keep up my #fitness routine while traveling—after all, vacation is vacation. For this trip I set a goal for myself. I dared myself to work out every day no matter what! I start each morning with a 30 min light run on the beach to get my heart pumping and blood flowing. In my room when I get back, I then do 5 very simple and extremely effective exercises, which I share with you today on my IG Stories and Fitness icon on my profile. I do each one for 5 sets 50 reps. It helps me keep my butt in the air while in #paradise 😂 Also I’ve been able to eat totally keto! Today I dare you to set a goal for yourself and STICK WITH IT no matter what! Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Enjoy ♥️💪🏽 #FitnessFridayHB

Una publicación compartida de Halle Berry (@halleberry) el

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